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An Ode to the Roof of My Mouth Which is now in Pain because My Lunch was too Hot

This article was first published on Medium in January 2020. An Ode to the Roof of My Mouth Which is now in Pain because My Lunch was too Hot

I’m very, very sorry. I completely take the blame.
I’m just too darn impatient and I don’t respect the flame.
I could have let lunch cool. I should have you might say.
I wasn’t in a hurry. And now I’m not okay.
You’d think I’d learn my lesson. Cuz’ I say this every time.
I promised that I’d slow down, to prevent this thermal crime.
Yet I am so very weak-willed, I have no self control.
When food is placed before me be it spoon or plate or bowl,
I cannot help but scarf it. I shove it in my face.
Again I have now burned you, my head hangs in disgrace.
I hope you can forgive me and this mornings circumstance.
I promise to do better, please just give me one more chance.

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