Collections of words, bound together... I guess "technically" they are books.
Chinese Lemonade - 2020
It's 9:45 AM on Sunday morning and Starbucks is completely empty. Over 1.5 million people live in the city of Zhuhai, China, yet I sit alone at a large wooden table, sipping a latte and writing in my journal. Culture shock hits you in ways you never expect. I guess that's why it's so... well, shocking.
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A Chinese Study Tour - 2016
In 2016 I helped guide a trip of 18 college students through China. I journaled throughout the trip and afterwards produced this travel journal of the 10 day trip. Similar to my first travel journal, this book contains photos and descriptions of the places we went and the things we saw. I have made this book available in paperback as well as PDF.
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Both Sides of the Pacific - 2014
This 140 page book is a personal travel journal for my trip to Japan in 2014. My first time outside the USA, traveling alone, in a country where I didn't speak the language, to visit my brother. Mostly, I wrote this for myself. A PDF full of images, maps, and memorabilia. I'm not sure it's of much interest to anyone besides me, it's a work I was quite proud of at the time.
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Potentially Awesome - 2013
With my first book providing a tremendous lack of enthusiasm I immediately set out to create a second and even more mediocre work. Fueled by coffee and bad ideas, this book runs with a loose narrative, weaving in old writings with new writings and never stops to ask for directions or if this is still a good idea. Just plows straight through. Poor thing.
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Previously Awesome - 2012
I wrote a book containing a collection of short humorous articles, stories, or ideas. Short chapters of only a couple pages each are based off conversations with friends or old blog posts. Mainly I just wanted to see how difficult it was to write, format, and self publish a book on Amazon. Turns out it is too easy.
I've been told some people have laughed out loud while reading it, though I can neither confirm or deny these accusations. Read at your own risk in a safe location.
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