Steve Jobs 1955-2011


With all the talk of Steve Jobs today, I started to think about how much influence this single company, his company, had on my family and in my life. So I made a list of all the different Apple products that we had owned or borrowed over the years.

Apple 2e
PowerMac 5400/120
PowerBook Duo
Apple eMate
PowerBook Lombard
Bondi Blue iMac
Indigo iMac
15″ Flat Panel iMac
eMac (x2)
17″ PowerBook
20″ Intel iMac
24″ Intel iMac
27″ Intel iMac
12″ iBook
12″ MacBook
17″ MacBook Pro
G3 Tower (x3)
G4 Tower (x3)
1st Gen iPod Touch
1st Gen iPod Touch (x3)
iPad 2
1st Gen iPod Shuffle
Pink iPod mini
Airport Express (x2)
Airport Extreme

This just covers my immediate family and doesn’t include the Magic Mice, the Apple keyboards, printers, or other Apple software and accessories. Nor does it include the dead iPods, broken iBooks or other dead Apple devices that have been given into my possession.

Steve Jobs’ company has been an important part of my family’s existence. While I did not personally know him, I thank him for his dedicated work to make technology accessible to the average user. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends in these sad times.

Thank you Steve.