One Liners - They Told Me...


They told me…

They said I was persuasive, but I convinced them otherwise.
They told me I was a worrywart and it really bothered me.
They said I was paranoid they are probably out to get me.
They said I was a hypochondriac and it just made me sick.
They told me I couldn’t keep a secret and I just had to tell someone.
They told me I was proud, but I’d never admit to it.
They told me I was apathetic, but I didn’t care.
They told me I was gullible and I believed them.
They told me I was smart, but I knew that already.
They said I was stupid, but I didn’t understand.
They told me I was cool, so I shivered.
They told me I was clueless, but I didn’t know what they were talking about.
They said I was indecisive; I didn’t know what to think.
They told me I was a pyromaniac and I burned with anger.
They told me I was psychic, but I knew they would say that.
They told me I was skeptical, but I’ not so sure.
They told me I was a doofus, Duh!
They told me I was preachy, which reminds me of a story…
They told me I was pessimistic, nothing good can come from this.

I told them…

I told them I was regretful, but now I wish I hadn’t.
I told them I was wrong, but I was mistaken.
I told them I was subtle, but I don’t think they got it.