The Fictitious Trip Journal of Aaron Mitchell – Day 8


Bad news. Someone took the roll of toilet paper that I was using for a make-shift avant-garde lens and used it… for… err… non-camera related activities…

Which is quite a shame, because I think I have been taking really good photos so far, and we had some really great sights to see today. Like this one:

It looked a lot better in person.

Also, fun story: I’m in ROME! It’s actually pretty easy to get here because all the roads go this way… (Only heard that joke 50 times today.)

We traveled about 180 km today, fortunately not much of that on foot. For all of you using imperial measurements, 180km is approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes… depending on traffic.

I had a little time this afternoon to shop for a new luggage bag. The first one I found was quite nice, but it had a tag that said “made in China” so I had to keep hunting to find one “made in Italy.” It’s much nicer than any of the other “bags” I’ve used on this trip so far…

Supper was a 4-course meal with opera. I’m undecided on the opera part, but I’m completely and utterly sold on the 4-course meal idea.