Breakfast at the hotel this morning was amazing. I almost asked the server there to marry me, but I take issue with people who ask important questions on an empty stomach so I decided to wait until a more opportune time arose.
I decided that it would be a good idea to share some of the photos I have been taking. This one is of a small cathedral we talked past on the way to a larger cathedral. As you can tell, the detail of the stone carving is incredible. As a graphic designer I know what it’s like to put in hours detailing things perfectly, but to do that sort of work on stone is simply mind blowing. I’ve never thought of stone as being malleable until I saw the work they did here.
We did a lot of sight seeing today. Some of it was via a private boat that took us on a short trip to a private bus which we took the rest of the way to Florence.
Then we had a three hour sight seeing tour and let me tell you. There are a lot of sights to see. Italy is not only quite beautiful, but it is also quite large. Larger than my house, that’s for sure. Been doing a lot of walking. Should have packed better walking shoes. Actually, I should have packed shoes, period. My bedroom slippers were great for lounging at the airport, but they don’t do well in changing terrain.
Anyway. Next up are a number of museums, mausoleums, cathedrals, and other fun buildings that I am super excited to see.